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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09784094"

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. Fa*; em is par : 33 .W 31 w ri 

Pflpc ] o f 3 

Declaration and Power of Attorney Fur Utility or Design Patent Application 

Declaration pour Dcmaudes dc Brevet d'UiilW et dc Module avcc Pouvoire 
French Language. Declaration 

Fn tant qu'invcntcur nomine ei-uprcs, Jc declare par le present acre 

Man domicile, man adiv^se postalc et ma uatiotmlil£ sont ceux 
figurant ci-dessous A cr>t6 de mon nom. 

Jc cruis ctrc Ic premier invenieur original ct unique (si un scuf nom 
est menlioimo ci-dessous), ou Pun des premiers co-inventeurs 
originaux (si plusicurs nom* »wnt mcmionnes ci-dessous) de 1'objct 
revcndiquc t pour lcqucl unc dciuandc dc brevet a etc deposec 
ertftccrnant ] 'invention intihil&; 



ci <kml la description est toumie ci-jomtc k moins que La case 
Aiiivftnte-n'aii etc cochcc: 

□ a did dopofcifc , 

sous* lc num6ro dc demande des Ltais-Unis _ 

et juudift6c ic (tc cas echeant) 


mmicro dc demande Internationale PCT , 

^et modifiec le 0 C ca* echini). 

Jggl iclarc par 1c present aeic avoir passe en revue et compris ic 
coiiIciju de la description ci-clessus, revendicaiions comprises* tcllcs 
cf# modifies par toiHc modification doni il aura &e fait ref&renec 

Jb roconnais devoir divulgucr tome information pcrlincnte a la 
laFfcvetabilitc, comme defini dans le Ticre 37, § 1.56 du Code f&J6ral 
$p& r^glemeiUutkui*, 

Jc rovendiquc par le present aetc avoir la priority ctrangcre, en vertu 
il Thre 35, § n 9(a)-(d) ou §365(b) du Code des Etals-Unis, sur 
jgbLe demande itrangere de brevet ou certiftcat d'inventeur on, en 
jKgttu dtt Tit/e 35, §36S(a) du meme Code, sur loutc demande 
Internationale PCT dtisignant au moms un pays autre que les Etals- 
UnU ei figurant ei-dessous. J'ai aussi tndique ci-dessous, en 
cuchiint la case "Non"\ tome demande etrangfcre dc brevet, tout 
cciUfical d'invemcur on mute demande internal ionale PCI ayant 
unc dale dc i&pot precedent celle de la demande a propos dc 
laCjUclic unc priority cat tevcnidiqu$e. 

Prior foreign applications 
Dcmandcs anterieurcs chang^ies 

As a below named inventor, I hereby declare that; 

My residence, post office address and citizenship are as staled 
below next to my name. 

I believe J am the original, first and sole inventor (if only one 
name is listed below) or an original, first and joint inventor (if 
plural names are listed below) of ihe subject matter which is 
claimed and for which a patent is sought on the invention entitled 


the specification of which is attached hereto unless the following 
box is cheeked: 

□ was filed on 


Unhed States Application Number , 
and was amended on 

„ (if applicable) 


PCT International Application Number, 
and was amended on m w 

.(if applicable). 

1 hereby state that I have reviewed and understand the contents of 
the above identified specification, including the claims, as 
amended by any amendment referred to above. 

I acknowledge the duly to disclose information which is material 
to patentability as defined in Title 37, Code of Federal 
Regulations, § 1.5G. 

1 hereby claim foreign priority under Title 35, United States Code 
§119 (a-d) or §3<J5(b) of any foreign application(s) for patent or 
inventor's certificate, or §365(a) of any PCT international 
application which designated at least one country other than the 
United States, listed below, 1 have also identified below, by 
checking the "No" box> any foreign application for patent or 
inventor's certificate, or of any PCT international application 
having a filing date before lhat of the application on which 
priority is claimed: 

Priority claimed 
Priority revendiquie 





Kohranry 18 r ^000 

(Day/Month/Ycar Filed) 
(Jour/Mois/Arm^e dc tfcp&l) 


(Day/Monlh/Ycar Filed) 
(Jour/Moifc/Annce dc d£pOt) 








□ D'autrcs demaiides etrangcxes sont enumcrccs sur la feuille de 
priori tc supplemental re ci-juitttc. 

□ Additional foreign application numbers are listed 
on a supplemental priority sheet attached hereto. 

Fax; em is par, : 33 04 91 98 94 71 



Frencli language Utility or Design Patent Application Declaration 

Jc revendiquc par lc prisma acic tout heiieTicc, en vcrtu du Titre 35 
§11 9(c) du Code dc& Btats-Unis, de Unite demande de brevet provisoire 
effectuee oux Eiats-Unis et figurant ci-dessous. 

I hereby claim the benefit under Title 35. United Stales Code 
§1 19(c) of any United Stales provisional application^) listed 

(Application No.) 
(No. dc la demands) 

(Day/Month/Ycar Filed) 
(Jour/Mois/Annec dc depfit) 

(Application No.) 
(No. dc la demande) 

(Dny/MomliA'car II led) 
(Jour/Mois/Anuec dc ddpAt) 

(Application No.) 
(No. dc !a demands) 

Q P'aulrcs domandes provi&oiicb som criumet'6e$ sur la feuifle dc 
piioi ile suppidmentairo ci-joinic. 

Jc rcvondique par lc present actc lout bcncTice, cn vcrtu du litre 35, 
§ 120 du Code des F,tats-Unis, dc toute demande de brevet effectuee aux 
Lilats-Unis, ou en vcrtu du Titrc 35, §365 (c) du meme Code, dc toute 
deinandc mternalionale PCI' d&ignant les Btats-Unis et figurant ci- 
demons cl, dans la mesurc ou I'objel dc chacune des revendications dc 
ccllc demande dc brevet n'est pas di vulgue" dans la demande antcricurc 
am&icainc ou imemalionalc PCT, en vcrtu des dispositions du premier 
paragraph© do Tilrc 35, §1 1 2 du Code des Ktals-Unis, jc reconnais 
devoir divulgucr toute information perrinentc k la brevetabiliuS, commc 
definj dans le litre 37, § } ,56 du Code federal des niglcmcmations, dont 
J*ai pi disposei cntrc la date de dep6l dc la demand© antcricurc et la 
dale^ie dcpfii dc la deinandc national e ou intemarionale PCX dc la 
prtsentc demande: 

(Day/Month/Ycar Filed) 
(Jour/Mois/Annie de depot) 

□ Additional provisional application numbers arc listed 
on a supplemental priority sheet attached hereto, 

I hereby claim the benefit under Title 35, United States Code 
§120 of any United States application^;), or §365(c) of any 
PCT international application designating the United Stales, 
listed below and, insofar as the subject mailer of each of die 
claims of this application is not disclosed in the prior United 
Stales or PCT international application in the manner 
provided by die first paragraph of Title 35, United States 
Code §1 12, 1 acknowledge the duty to disclose information 
which is material to patentability as defined in Title 37, Code 
of Federal Regulations §1 .56 which became available 
between the filing date of the prior application and the 
national or PCT international filing date of this application. 

(Application No.) 
(No. dc la deinandc) 

(Day/Month/Year Filed) 
(Jour/Mois/Annec dc depot) 


(patented, pending, abandoned) 
(hrcvelee, pendente, abttndonncc) 

(Application No,) 
(No. dc 1« demande) 

(Day/Month/Ycar Filed) 
(Jour/Mois/Annee de dep6l) 

D a ulrcs demandes americaincs ou Internationales sont 
efnimdrecs sur la feuille de priorite supplcmenlaire ci-jointe. 

Jc declar e par lc present acte que toute declaration ci-inclusc est, a ma 
eoniiaissance, veridiquc cl que toute declaration formulae a partir dc 
renscignemcnts ou dc suppositious est icnue pour vdridiquc; ct de plus, 
que toutes ccs dcclamlions ont etc formulees en sachant que toute fausse 
declaration voiontairc ou son equivalent est passible d'une amende ou 
d'ui ic incarceration, ou des deux» en venu de la Section 1001 du litre 
1 S du Code des Etats-Unis, ct que de telles declarations volomaircmcnt 
fauA&es risqucnt dc compioineltre la validity de la demande de brevet ou 
du brevet delivre a partir dc celle-ci. 

Lc(*i) soussign6(s) amorise(nl) par la presente le(s) avocat(s) 
amerieain(s) ou le(s) mandataire(s) ci-aprcs dcsigne(s) a accepter ct a 
sui vrc les instructions, soit de son(leurs) conseil(s) en brevet, 
soil du represcntant officiel dc la society, conccrnant toute demarche 
neccssaire a effectucr aupres de TOfficc amcricain des Brevets ct des 
Marques concemahi ceiie demande, sans communication directe entre 
le(s) avocat(s) amSiiettin(s) ou le(s) mandataire(s) nominees) par la 
presente sera(ont) infonne(s) par lc(s) soussign5(s). Dans 1'hypolhese 
d'un chatigcnicnt dans les donneurs destructions, 1e(s) avocal(s) 
anrfi iomn(s) ou lc(s) mandatairc(s) nomm£{$) par la presente sera(onl) 
informers) par ln(t;) tiouysignefs). 



(patcnicd, pending, abandoned) 

(brcvclcc, pendanfe, abandon nee) 

D Additional U.S. or international application numbers arc 
listed on a supplemental priority sheet attached hereto- 

1 hereby declare thai all statements made herein of my own 
knowledge are true and that all statements made on 
information and belief are believed to be true; and further thai 
these statements were made with the knowledge that willful 
false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine 
or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of 
the United Stales Code and that such willful false statements 
may jeopardize the validity of the application or any patent 
issued thereon. 

The undersigned hereby authorizes the U.S. attorney or agent 
named herein to accept and follow instructions from either 
his foreign patent agent or corporate representative, if any, as 
to any acdon to be taken in the Patent and Trademark Office 
regarding this application without direct communication 
between the U.S. attorney or agent and the undersigned. In 
the event of a change in the persons from whom instructions 
may be taken, the U.S. attorney or agent named herein will be 
so notified by the undersigned. 

Fa*f emis part,: 33 84 91 98 94 71 CABINET flAKEK 

W MS OA X f . £.0 r y . -x 

French Language Utility or Design Patent Application Declaration 


POUVOJR: En rant qii'invcmeui, je d<$signe r(Ies) avocat(s) 
elA>u T(lcs) agcnl(s) associfci au Nunifiro Client indiqu6 ci-dessous 
pour poursuivre la procedure de cetie demande cl trairer toute 
affaire la concernanl auprfes de FOffice des Brevets cl des Marques, 
et autorise k cc que route concspondancc soh associcc a ce Num6ro 

POWER OF ATTORNEY: As a named inventor, I hereby 
appoint the attorney(s) and/or agent(s) associated with the 
Customer Number provided below to prosecute this application 
and transact all business in the Patent and Trademark Office 
connected therewith) and direct that all correspondence be 
addressed to thai Customer Number: 



Ley « vocals aciucllcmcnt d£si£:i&> son! 6num6r& ci-apr£s 

Neil F. Grecnblum 
Bruce II. Bernstein 
James L, Rowland 
Arnold Turk 

Reg. No. 28,394 
Keg. No. 2y,027 
Reg. No, 32,674 
Rc& No. 33,094 

The appointed attorneys presently include: 

Stephen M. Roylanoc Reg. No, 3 1 >2% 
Leslie J. Papemcr Reg. No. 33329 
William Picprz Reg, No. 33,630 

William R Lyddane Re*. No. 4 1 ,568 

Address: Grecnblum & Bernstein, P,L.C\ 
3 941 Roland Clarke Place 
Rcston, V A 20101 

Affojiscr tome communication tdldphonique a: Direct Telephone Calls to: 

Grecnblum & Bernstein, PJL.C. 


Noni:4oniplct du seul ou premier invenieur 

Full name of sole or first inventor 
Roger PULU3NC 

Signaluic dc uWJtei^ jfrf'* ^ alc 

InvesfiKjd^ Date 

Domkile \ 





Addr esse Postale 

1 10, chemin de FAbbayc, 84120 j'BKTUlS, FRANCR 

Post Otl ice Address 

1 1 0, chemin de P Abbayc, 84 1 20 PERTUIS, FRANCL 

Nom eomplet du second co-iuvculcur, 1c cas <$ch£ant 
Robert Dl lLKAN 

Full name of second joint inventor, if any 
Robert T)KLK AN 

Signature da second iii^pnicui Date 

Second Inventor's Signature Date 

Jpl*?^ <>>2 . j>et>f 







Aiii CSM: PnsUilc 

307, rue -Saint Sdpulchre, 84120 PfcfKTUIS, France 

Post Office Address 

307, rue Saint Sepulchre, 84 1 20 PBRTUiS, France 

(Fournjr les mimes t'cn$oigneiucnLs ct la signature de tout 
inventeur auppI6ineniairc). 

(Supply similar information and signature for third and 
subsequent joint inventor*.)